Mahakumbh has started in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh from January 13. People are reaching this fair by traveling by trains from faraway places. In such a situation, there is a huge crowd on the trains, due to which passengers have to wait for a long waiting list for train tickets.
In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some such railway ticket booking tips, with the help of which you do not need to worry about going to Kumbh. You will be able to get a confirmed ticket easily by trying these tips.
Tatkal railway booking is a facility that is started 24 hours before the departure of the train from the starting station. In this, the railway reserves some seats which can be booked from the Tatkal window. This ticket can be taken both online and offline.
To get instant tickets and to avoid waiting for Tatkal, you can set an alarm for Tatkal in your mobile payment app like Paytm, etc.
In these apps, Tatkal information is already filled, so that time is not wasted in filling the information when the window opens. As soon as the Tatkal window opens, your alarm will ring and you can get the ticket by making payment in one click.
Apart from Tatkal, Indian Railway's app IRCTC also has the Premium Tatkal feature, through which you can buy a confirmed ticket by paying an extra price.
Apart from this, if you are a woman, elderly, or physically disabled, then you are given a separate ticket quota, with the help of which you will get a confirmed ticket.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation.