WhatsApp, a popular messaging app owned by Meta, is planning to introduce a new feature for its users soon. Through this feature, users will be able to add music to their status updates. This feature is currently in the testing phase with select beta users for both Android and iOS versions. It is worth noting that Instagram, another app of Meta, already allows its users to add music to stories (which is similar to WhatsApp's status feature).
Music status feature for Android and iOS users
According to feature tracker WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is working on a new feature for its Android users, which will allow them to add music to status updates. This feature is currently available to users who have installed the update of WhatsApp beta. Soon it can be launched for other Android users as well. Similarly, WABetaInfo said that this feature is also being introduced for iOS users with WhatsApp beta update.
How will the music status feature work
For both Android and iOS users, a new music button will be available in the status update option, which will appear along with drawing, text, and other editing options. Through this button, users can search for songs or artists and choose the song of their choice.
After selecting the song, users can decide which part of the song to use. If the status update is photo based, the duration of the music clip can be a maximum of 15 seconds. At the same time, the duration of the music clip for video status will depend on the length of the video.
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