Reena was trying many things to conceive, she came to know from her friend that the possibility of getting pregnant increases after four-five days of periods. She did not understand anything, so she consulted the doctor and talked about how many days after the period does pregnancy occur (period ke kitne din baad pregnancy hoti hai). Answering Reena's question, the doctor explains in detail about how many days after the period the egg is released and how many days after the period can one get pregnant etc.
Periods have a direct connection with pregnancy. Whenever a woman misses her periods, she starts feeling that she has become pregnant. Therefore, it is also important to know how the pregnancy occurs after how many days of the period ends. First of all, it is also important to know how periods are connected to pregnancy. When a girl reaches adolescence, her body starts preparing itself for pregnancy. Its first phase is the onset of periods.
After periods, eggs mature and are released in the ovaries of a woman, which is called ovulation in medical terms. Now this question may arise in your mind that after how many days of period the egg is released, then let us tell you that periods are also called menstrual cycle. Menstruation is of 28 days and the process of ovulation starts 7-14 days before that.
When the egg is released from the ovary and goes into the fallopian tube where it combines with the sperm. The combination of egg and sperm is called fertilization. After fertilization, the womb is fixed and the process of pregnancy begins.
The thing to note is that in the fallopian tube, the egg survives for about 24 hours and the sperm for 5-7 days. During this time interval, both of them have to meet each other and complete the process of fertilization. If the fertilization process is not completed during this time, then the egg gets destroyed and comes out of the vagina in the form of bleeding. This bleeding lasts for three days for some and five days for some.
Most people think that having sex during periods makes a woman pregnant. But this is not completely true. If you want to read about pregnancy in detail, then you can read this blog How does a woman get pregnant – from beginning to end.
What is ovulation? What difference does it make on periods and pregnancy?
Ovulation is a part of the menstrual cycle during which the egg matures and comes out of the ovary. This process starts two weeks before the periods start. If sex is done during this time, then there is a full possibility of conceiving.
The process of ovulation is very important for pregnancy. The date of periods of every woman is different, so the time of ovulation will also be different. In this, the eggs become active in the ovaries and after getting active, one of the eggs reaches the fallopian tube and waits for the sperm.
After the egg is released from the ovary, it survives for about 24 hours. If the sperm does not fertilize it within these 24 hours, it dies on its own. After that, a woman has to wait till the next month for pregnancy.
How to decide, when will ovulation happen to get pregnant?
When will ovulation happen to get pregnant? - Ovulation cycle
The healthy menstrual cycle of periods is from 28 to 36 days. Therefore, when ovulation will happen in every woman depends on the time frame of her menstrual cycle. The time of ovulation can be counted. If you want, you can also talk to the doctor about this.
Nowadays, just like there are many mobile apps to track periods, similarly there are mobile applications to track ovulation as well. Before tracking ovulation, find out how many days your menstrual cycle is. Ovulation can happen anytime from the first day of periods to two weeks before.
Women whose menstrual cycle is of 28 days, ovulate on the 14th day and those whose menstrual cycle is of 21 days, ovulate on the 7th day. Women whose menstrual cycle is on the 35th to 36th day, their ovulation happens on the 21st day.
How many days after periods should one have sex?
How many days after periods does pregnancy happen
Pregnancy after periods can happen in the first ovulation of the next menstrual cycle. If the menstrual cycle is of 28 days, then the right time for pregnancy is considered from the 10th day to the 17th day after the end of periods. If a woman's menstrual cycle is of 28 days, then the highest possibility of pregnancy is on the 12th, 13th and 14th day after the end of periods. But after the 17th day passes, the possibility of pregnancy decreases.
This is the reason why the day of ovulation is considered the best time for pregnancy. If physical relations are made in the five days before ovulation, then the chances of pregnancy being successful are the highest. Also, on the day ovulation occurs, there is a high possibility of pregnancy by having physical relations on that day.
How many days after the period does pregnancy not happen
As soon as your periods start, the process of ovulation also starts and eggs start coming out of your ovaries. After which the egg is fertilized with the sperm
This happens and the process of pregnancy begins. But sometimes due to some reasons, the egg and sperm do not combine, due to which the woman is unable to conceive.
If you have this question in your mind that after how many days of period pregnancy does not happen, then the simple answer to this is that from the first day of periods to the next six days, the possibility of pregnancy is almost negligible. But the woman who has a short menstrual cycle has a higher chance of pregnancy. Because during this time the process of ovulation happens very quickly, due to which after having sex, the sperm remains alive in their body for about a week.
Can pregnancy happen if you have sex during periods?
Can pregnancy happen if you have sex during periods?
Some people always have this question that after how many days of period should one have sex? Many people also believe that if a woman has sex during periods, then there is a 100% chance of getting pregnant.
According to the information given above, the possibility of pregnancy is highest when physical relations are made around the days of ovulation. Because during that time the eggs are in the fallopian tube, but when the eggs go back from the fallopian tube, the possibility of pregnancy decreases.
After how many days should the pregnancy test be done?
Experts believe that pregnancy test should be done on the first or second day of periods. There are many ways to do a pregnancy test. It depends on you how comfortable you are.
If you want, you can go to the doctor or you can confirm your pregnancy in just a few minutes by doing a pregnancy test kit or home remedies at home.
Usually a pregnancy test is done to find out about Period Ke Kitne Din Baad Pregnant Hoti Hai. Your urine is required to do a pregnancy test. Because the presence of pregnancy hormones is detected in it.