Are you too PayT are troubled by increasing fat and no time to sweat in the gym for hours? So only 1 exercise can act like magic for you! This exercise is effective in rapidly burning belly fat and boosting metabolism.
What is that 1 exercise?
Plank Jacks-This is a high-intensity exercise, which burn abdominal fat rapidly and tones the entire core.
The right way to do plank jacks
First of all come into the plank position (keep the body straight on elbows or palms).
Now bounce both your legs lightly outwards and then bring in, such as jumping jacks. Do this process for 30-40 seconds. Repeat 5 rounds and gradually increase the time.
Benefits of Planck Jacks
Belly reduces fat rapidly
Core, abs and lower body makes strong
Boosts metabolism and burn rapid calories
Helpful in burning more fat in less time
Who should not do this exercise?
If you have back pen or knee pain, consult a doctor or fitness expert first.
New people do the initially at light speed and gradually extend time.
If you want to get rid of abdominal fat quickly, then do this exercise for just 5 minutes daily and the results will surprise you!