Venus begins its retrograde journey in Aries on Saturday, impacting each zodiac sign’s love horoscope and relationships starting March 1, 2025. From March 1 to March 27, Venus is a chance to reflect on themes surrounding courage, boldness, and self-worth in your relationships.
It’s prime time to review your past romantic decisions and better understand how to shift any current connection positively. Venus retrograde is a time to reflect on what has brought you to this moment and improve your romantic life. However, this is not the time to start a new relationship, commit, or hastily elope — as what is entered into something serious during Venus retrograde will rarely last.
You must know you deserve the love you want so that you can be conscious of how to attract it into your life or improve your current relationship. On March 27, as part of Venus’s retrograde journey, the planet of love will shift back into Pisces before stationing direct on April 12.
Venus in Pisces is a sign that represents both endings and beginnings, as well as the healing that can make all the difference in the choices you make in love. Use this retrograde phase to deepen your awareness, strive to embody your worth, and let yourself heal to go after the love that truly resonates with your soul.
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Take a deep journey of self-love, dear Aries. Venus will station retrograde in Aries, prompting you to take a review of yourself.
This will include how you love yourself and the beliefs that help shape your romantic reality.
During this time, you should be open to changes and seeing matters from a new perspective, as that will allow for healing once Venus retrograde moves into Pisces.
Don’t let ego or any toxic cycles block you from seeing the truth and where you can grow so that you can be happier with your choices.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Be willing to listen to your inner self, beautiful Taurus. There have been many questions recently regarding the future of your romantic life.
Hopefully, you haven’t rushed into anything and have given yourself time to process and reflect on any decisions you want. Venus retrograde in Aries will allow you to find the clarity you have been searching for by listening to your intuition and inner self.
Enjoy solitude during this time, and don’t rush any decisions. Once Venus retrograde shifts into Pisces, take action in a confident new direction.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
No one can determine your happiness, sweet Gemini. Venus retrograde in Aries will challenge you to make decisions for yourself and learn to self-validate instead of relying on the opinions or choices of others.
During this time, you can begin to make authentic decisions regarding love, but you may also realize that not everyone in your life has genuinely wanted you hto be appy.
Be discerning with whom you confide in and continue to trust in your ability to know what is right for you so that as Venus retrograde shifts into Pisces, you will finally see the growth you’ve been hoping for.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Only your soul knows the way forward, dear Cancer. You realize that you’ve let outside influences get in the way of making choices in your best interest.
This can look like choosing people that you think you will be able to have a certain kind of life with, rather than someone you feel a strong emotional connection with. Use the time of Venus retrograde in Aries to reflect on what matters most to you, and then be prepared to embrace new beginnings as Venus shifts into Pisces.
This is a chance for you to get back on track and realize that to get a love you’ve never had before, you will have to change your approach.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Surrender to the divine plan for your life, dearest Leo. Venus retrograde in Aries will bring up the past decisions that you’ve made in relationships.
This may have been choices regarding progressing, or ending a past connection and the meaning you had attached to those events. Be willing to learn during this phase to understand that everything happens for a reason, especially in your romantic life.
As Venus retrograde moves into Pisces, you will have a chance to embrace the divine plan for your life, surrender to change, and deepen your connection. Yet you have to let go, so you have space to let this love in.
: How Venus Retrograde Affects The March 2025 Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Don’t make any quick decisions, sweet Virgo. Venus retrograde in Aries intensifies your focus on the connection you feel with your partner.
This area of your life can also represent separation and divorce, so you mustn’t jump to any impulsive decisions.
Once Venus shifts into Pisces as part of its retrograde, the focus will help bring guidance and healing, but you have to be willing to be a part of the process.
This retrograde’s energy may help redirect your path and save a relationship you had no hope for, so be sure to remain open, and don’t write off any possibility just yet.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You determine the love that you will accept, Libra. This is an important truth that you can’t forget, especially over the next forty days while Venus is retrograde.
Venus retrograde will begin in Aries in your house of relationships, bringing courage and an assertiveness you don’t often possess. Be willing to say the hard thing and embrace what feels uncomfortable.
Once Venus retrograde moves into Pisces, you can make major changes that will set the tone for a healthier love. You have to realize that you get to decide the kind of love you will accept.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Let yourself be open to change, sweet Scorpio. Venus will station retrograde in Aries, your house of well-being, and change how you live your life.
This is also the area that governs your healthy boundaries, so you may see this theme figure heavily into the choices you’re being encouraged to make over the next few weeks.
Be sure that you’re prioritizing yourself and what you need to live your healthiest and happiest life, as once Venus retrograde moves into Pisces, you will be guided to claim your joy.
The path to the life you want is filled with tough decisions, but never doubt that the rewards will be worth it.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Until you heal, you will unconsciously repeat your wounds, dearest Sagittarius. You have done so much healing in the past year; however, you may need to go deeper.
Venus retrograde in Aries will help you to settle any old wounds or triggers around commitment or making decisions in your romantic life.
You will be guided to focus on the relationship that resonates with your heart; however, to fully do that, you will be asked to reflect on your familial wounds and conditioning.
Once Venus retrograde shifts into Pisces, you will have a chance to reorganize your family dynamics and finally understand how to move in ways that align with your desires.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Nothing ever goes away until you acknowledge it, Capricorn. Much energy has been encouraging you to become emotionally expressive and vulnerable with your partner or potential new love interest.
Being stoic or cagey sometimes isn’t only an untrue quality of your zodiac sign but what you adopted to cope with your early life. You don’t need to keep your emotions or feelings to yourself, yet you can only change how you relate to a romantic partner.
Let yourself acknowledge what you’ve been trying to avoid, and instead of expressing how you think to your partner, let yourself use I feel statements instead.
You may need to meditate or journal to understand your own emotions first, but doing so can completely change your romantic future for the better.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Honor your worth, Aquarius, but you never prove it. There is a difference between honoring your worth and continually feeling like you have to prove to your partner how you deserve to be treated. While Venus retrograde is in Aries, be mindful of how you express yourself.
You should be honest and assertive; however, be mindful of trying to prove or convince any existing partner of anything.
Once Venus retrograde moves into Pisces, you will be guided to focus on creating a space of receiving to realize you never had to overwork to be loved in the ways that truly honor your worth.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Become the person that you want to attract, sweet Pisces. Venus retrograde in Aries will begin in your house of value and self-worth.
This area of your life also represents finances, so it’s important to focus your energy on becoming the person you want to attract versus adhering to any victim mindset.
You are strong and powerful, but you need to realize that for yourself so that as Venus retrograde moves into Pisces, you can start to love yourself on a deeper level and realize that while you may want a relationship, a relationship never actually defines who you are or the life that you live.
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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.