Arthritis Under 20: Understand the causes and take THESE precautions
GH News March 01, 2025 02:04 PM
Arthritis has become very common these days, It may be due to unhealthy diet or even lifestyle changes. To prevent arthritis, adopting a healthy routine, keeping weight under control, taking a balanced diet, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, consuming adequate amounts of water and other liquids, and exercising regularly can prove to be very helpful.The problem of arthritis remained an age-related disease until a few decades ago; however, now even younger people are becoming its victims. Arthritis, also known as arthritis, causes swelling, pain, and stiffness in the joints. It can affect any joint of the body, but its risk is most common in the hands, knees, hips, and feet.Health experts say that anyone can have arthritis. It is a problem in the elderly; people under the age of 20 and even children are now falling prey to it.Health experts say biological, hormonal, and lifestyle factors can be responsible for arthritis. People whose uric acid level is often high can also be at risk of this disease.Arthritis is a disease of the 'crystal arthropathy' group, which is caused by the deposition of 'crystals' in joints and soft tissues. Arthritis develops when the level of uric acid in the blood increases, and it reaches the joints and takes the form of needle-like 'crystals,' which increases the problem of pain and swelling.Patients suffering from arthritis often describe it as severe pain. It usually starts from the big toe, and even a slight touch on the skin often seems unbearable.The diagnosis of arthritis is based on common symptoms such as unbearable pain, swelling, and redness in and around the affected joints. 'Crystals' can be seen when the fluid taken from the swollen joint is examined under a microscope. Apart from this, blood tests usually show increased levels of uric acid.To prevent arthritis, adopting a healthy lifestyle, keeping weight under control, taking a balanced diet, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, consuming adequate amounts of water and other fluids, and exercising regularly can prove to be very helpful.ALSO READ:  Trending dating guide: Micromancing beyond Situationships? How does it work? Reasons for increased uric acid:Uric acid levels usually increase due to excessive consumption of alcohol, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Consumption of purine-rich foods is also considered responsible for increased uric acid levels. Purines are compounds that contain uric acid. Foods containing it include meat, liver, oily fish such as mackerel and anchovies, and yeast-containing substances such as Marmite and beer.People who have high levels of uric acid may be at a higher risk of developing arthritis.It is not possible to get relief from arthritis symptoms by just changing the diet. Through medicines, arthritis pain can be prevented from emerging and the disease from becoming more serious. In case of inflammation in the joints, anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen, naproxen, or steroids are given. After the inflammation subsides, it is important to prevent arthritis pain and swelling from emerging in the future. If you often have pain and swelling in your knees from an early age, then definitely consult a doctor about this.ALSO READ:  Wedding Social Media Managers Explained: Role, Salary, Impact on Modern Weddings
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