Diabetes is not only a problem of increasing blood sugar, but it can affect the entire body. It has a direct impact on the digestive system, and sometimes an unseen signal can be a drying of stool. If you are having this problem, do not ignore it, as it may be a sign of your sugar level imbalance.
What is the reason for drying stool when sugar increases?
How to protect against this problem?
Drink plenty of water -Take at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.
Take a diet with fiber – Include green vegetables, fruits, oats and whole grains in the diet.
Stay active – Digestive system is better than light exercise and yoga.
Keep sugar level under control – Change diet and lifestyle with doctor's advice.
If you are having a problem of frequent constipation or dry stool, then it A sign of diabetes It is possible Monitor your blood sugar level and avoid this problem by adopting healthy lifestyle!