There are more than 10 crore diabetes patients in India. This figure is increasing every year. People are getting affected by diabetes even at a young age. This is happening due to bad lifestyle and eating habits. There are two types of diabetes. One of these is type 1 and the other is type 2. Type-2 diabetes is caused by wrong eating habits, bad lifestyle, and mental stress, while type-1 diabetes is genetic. It goes from one generation to the other. But why is there a risk of diabetes disease going from one generation to another? What is the relation between genes and diabetes? Let's know about this from the expert.
Diabetes is a disease that can go from one generation to another, and its cause is genes. In the case of diabetes, genes look after the work of producing insulin in our body, but when there is a change in our genes, it causes a disturbance in the function of insulin in our body, which can lead to diabetes. Dr. Saket Kant, Principal Consultant, Endocrinology and Obesity Medicine, Shri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Delhi, explains that there is a deep connection between genes and diabetes.
Diabetes is caused by changes in genes.
Dr. Saket Kant says that when there is some change in a person's genes, it can make our body more susceptible to diabetes. However, this happens only in the case of type-1 diabetes. In other types of diabetes, diet, exercise, and stress also play an important role in the development of diabetes. In the last few years, cases of type-2 diabetes are increasing. The reason for this is lifestyle. Earlier, type-2 diabetes used to occur after the age of 50 years. Now its cases are coming up only after the age of 30 years.
How to prevent diabetes
It is difficult to prevent diabetes caused by genes, but you can easily prevent type 2 diabetes. For this, it is important to take care of your diet. Include proteins and vitamins in your diet. Avoid eating sugar and excess refined flour. Exercise for at least half an hour every day. Do not take mental stress. To avoid this, do yoga daily.
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