Benefits Of Heeng : Asafoetida is a special spice used in Indian kitchen that is used to enhance the taste of food. Asafoetida is rich in anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.
According to health experts, the intake of asafetida can easily get rid of many diseases. The properties present in it are very beneficial in indigestion, stomach gas and constipation. There are many benefits of eating asafetida on an empty stomach. In such a situation, let us tell you which diseases are relieved by consuming asafetida on an empty stomach.
Consuming asafoetida on empty stomach is very beneficial:
Beneficial in abdominal pain
Consuming asafetida is very beneficial for the stomach. The properties present in asafoetida remove the problem of blotting and stomach gas in a pinch. Many times abdominal pain is caused by gas or blotting. To get rid of this problem, it can be beneficial to consume a pinch of asafetida daily on an empty stomach.
Beneficial in headache
If you are troubled by headache, then asafetida can be very beneficial. The anti-inflammatory properties present in asafetida touches the problem of headache. To get rid of this problem, you can consume asafetida by taking a doctor's advice.
Beneficial for digestion
Consuming asafetida on an empty stomach removes indigestion. Eating a pinch of asafetida on an empty stomach will benefit you in stomach problems. To overcome problems to indigestion or digestive system, you consume asafetida on a doctor's advice.
Blood pressure regulates
Consuming asafetida on an empty stomach keeps blood pressure control and improves blood circulation. Drinking asafetida water daily in the morning provides relief in regulating blood pressure. However, before consuming it, you must consult your doctor once.
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Beneficial for skin
Asafoetida intake is not only for health, but it is also very beneficial for the skin. Applying its paste on the face makes the skin quite glowing. Use of hangs can relieve problems like wrinkles, pimples.