Tomatoes are considered beneficial for health, but in some diseases, its intake can be harmful. If you have some special health problems, it is necessary to take care before eating tomatoes.
1. Acidity and gas problem
Tomatoes contain citric and malic acid, which can increase stomach acidity. People who have problems with gas, acid reflux or stomach irritation should eat less tomatoes.
2. Kidney Stone patients should be cautious
Tomato contains an element called oxalat, which can cause a stone to form in the kidney. If there is already a problem of stones, then it would be better to reduce tomato intake.
3. People troubled by arthritis (arthritis)
Some elements present in tomatoes may increase the level of uric acid in the body, which can increase the problem of joint inflammation and pain. Arthritis patients should avoid eating tomatoes.
4. Allergy and skin reaction
Some people may cause allergies to eat tomatoes, causing itching, rashes or red spots on the skin. If you have such a problem, avoid tomatoes.
5. Done for patients with irritable bowl syndrome (IBS)
Seeds and acids present in tomatoes can increase stomach pain, diarrhea or indigestion problem for some people. If you have problems with irritable boule syndrome (IBS), limit the intake of tomatoes.
Be careful and stay healthy
If you have any of these health problems, then take a doctor's advice before eating tomatoes. Every person's health is different, so choosing the right diet is very important.