The week beginning March 24, 2025, relationships enter a blissful new era for five zodiac signs that discover how to improve their relationships while maintaining a sense of individuality and togetherness.
This relationship improvement could include letting go of the past or unhealthy ways of relating as Venus shifts into Pisces as part of its retrograde. Venus first stationed retrograde in Aries on March 1, representing what you want for your romantic future. Once Venus shifts into Pisces, it sheds light on what you must do to make that a reality.
While Aries signifies a beginning, Venus retrograde in Pisces represents endings, although not always in the sense of a breakup. While the second half of Venus retrograde in Pisces still isn’t a time to take action on what arises, you will have that chance once the planet of love finally stations direct.
There is a mixed message in the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries on Saturday, March 29. This is the last eclipse on the Aries and Libra axis that began in 2023 and won’t occur again until 2032, marking an important time of closure in your life.
New Moons represent beginnings. Something may be ending in your life while another chapter is starting. The eclipses on the Aries and Libra axes were about finding a balance between your identity and a romantic partnership. You won’t need to force anything under this energy to improve a partnership or make a relationship better, but rise to the occasion. Know that you are on the path you are meant to be on.
Also occurring on Thursday, March 29, Mercury, as part of its retrograde, will shift into Pisces alongside Venus. Mercury and Venus have been traveling together since the start of the month, bringing up the significance of communication in your romantic relationships. Mercury retrograde will remain in Pisces before stationing direct on April. It will return to Aries on March 16.
Once Venus is direct, there will be four days before Mercury shifts into Aries, making this a crucial time for discussing what needs to end before something else begins. For now, it’s enough to hold space for what arises, letting yourself feel all of your emotions and letting yourself bring up important issues as they come up.
There is a bit of a dance in the week of March 24, as the major transits bounce back and forth between Pisces and Aries, and it will end no differently as Neptune makes a major move into Aries on Sunday, March 30. This is a dramatic shift as the last time Neptune was in Aries occurred during the Civil War, so no one alive today has ever worked with this energy.
Neptune in Aries signifies deep motivation and desire to manifest its dreams, so you can expect to feel a fiery push toward following your own intentions. Neptune will dip into Pisces in October 2025 before moving permanently into this fire sign until 2038. Although you must be mindful of patience, this truly introduces a brand-new era into your love life, changing your romantic life forever.
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To improve your relationship, it’s better to deal with an issue now than hope it goes away alone, dear Virgo. While you’ve been enjoying a relatively blissful phase in your romantic life, there are issues that you need to deal with. On Thursday, March 27, Venus retrograde will move into Pisces, ruler of your romantic house. This begins between March 27 and April 12, when you are meant to review matters in your romantic relationship.
Venus retrograde isn’t here to cause a disturbance or break up your happy life but to ensure you have the strongest foundation possible. It’s important not to avoid issues as they arise because it’s better to use this energy to your advantage than to hope that matters improve.
Venus retrograde offers an incredible time to reflect on your romantic life. This can help if you are in an existing relationship but can benefit you if you’re single. Whether you are reflecting on a current connection or the meaning of past break-ups, Venus retrograde offers you the truth and healing to move forward with your life. There is no point in bypassing this crucial time. Surrender to it and know what needs to be dealt with.
From March 27 to April 12, focus on what you need to let go of in your heart or your romantic life to make space for the relationship you truly desire. Then, from April 12 to April 30, it is your time for action. This will be crucial, especially as you recently experienced the Virgo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the first of a new series of eclipses. In this case, it’s better you deal with this now, or the universe will ensure you deal with it later.
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Take a deep breath, sweet Libra, and know you are just about to the end of a tumultuous journey that either improves you or your relationship. Since 2023, eclipses have occurred in Aries and Libra, rocking your sense of self and bringing up relationship challenges out of the blue. However, it’s important to remember that they were only unexpected because of how you viewed your relationship.
In your case, you have been given opportunities to grow, heal and realize that your romantic relationship was reflective of a pattern – versus truly meant forever. This process was not an easy one. However, lighter days are ahead, especially when the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs on Saturday, March 29.
The Eclipses across the zodiac signs of Aries and Libra first began in 2023. Take a moment and reflect on that time and what was going on in your romantic life, whether you were in a relationship or single. Since then, there have been dramatic shifts, not just in your love life but also in your sense of self. If you’ve had a relationship leave your life in the last few years, this lunar event may bring a new love. If so, remember you are amid a Venus retrograde, so give it time.
Otherwise, you may be moving away from your past and any relationships that have continued to linger. Although Venus retrograde recently moved out of Aries, you do want to practice caution with any exes who return, saying they’ve finally learned and can love you in the ways you desire because they haven’t and can’t. Focus on all you’ve learned and be willing to cut away what you no longer need so that you can seize an opportunity for a new and healthier beginning in love.
: Life Gets Better For 2 Zodiac Signs During The March 2025 Eclipse Season
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What you say holds weight, Scorpio. While everyone is on a journey, you are just beginning one of the most exciting phases of your life. This new chapter will have immense changes and transformations, but there will also be love. It’s not a placeholder kind of love, but the one you’ve waited your whole life for; know you’re ready for it.
It’s not surprising that communication is a core part of a relationship, and that is an area in which you’ve recently reached a new level as Pluto recently left your house of communication and shifted into Aquarius. Try to reflect on all you’ve learned about transparency, accountability, and taking initiative – because you will need it in this new romantic beginning.
On Saturday, March 29, Mercury retrograde will shift into Pisces, ruler of your house of marriages, happiness and committed relationships. This is the area of your life where you want to see activity, especially if you’re hoping to tie the knot and have a serious relationship, as it involves much more than casual dating. Mercury governs how you think and communicate, and in Pisces, it’s all about the kind of relationship you truly want.
You may have to revisit themes with a current relationship or hold space for a healing conversation with a current partner. This may also have you seeing an ex return; just practice caution, as you will want to take it slow and focus on the foundation of your relationship rather than succumbing to the chemistry. Mercury retrograde will remain in Pisces until April 16 after stationing direct on April 7, so use this time to make any decisions or seize a new chance at love.
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You must believe that it’s possible, sweet Leo. You have been through an immense amount of personal growth in the last few months, and because of that, the way you approach relationships has shifted. Recently, there have been sincere genuineness about you that can help you attract a partner who is genuinely aligned with yourself and rebuild an existing connection.
By letting go of the need for external validation or completing the picture of how you think a great love will look, you are finally moving into a place where you can have the relationship you’ve always wanted. You may surprise yourself with your romance choices in the coming weeks but remember never to give up hope that love will be better than you ever dreamed.
There will be a massive shift in how you think about love as Neptune shifts into Aries on Sunday, March 30. Neptune rules over unconditional love, hope, faith, and themes around spirituality. As Neptune moves into Aries, it will highlight themes to luck, travel, abundance, and spiritual connection. This signifies that you are moving through the lessons of your past and into a profound new chapter in your romantic life.
You will be pursuing a deeply meaningful and spiritual connection with your current partner or someone you meet while traveling the world if you’re single. Yet, the most important aspect to remember is that you must continue to believe in your ability to have the love you’ve always dreamed of. You may have to take a chance and learn to listen to your intuition, but your love life is about to improve greatly.
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Hold space for all that arises in your relationships and love life, but know this is the beginning, dear Aries. You will receive incredible gifts for your romantic life in the days ahead, but you must remember all you’ve recently learned. Since 2023, you’ve moved through eclipses in your sign and that of Libra, ruler of your romantic sector. This has brought challenges, as well as endings, to your romantic life.
However, all that is wrapping up with the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries on Saturday, March 29. While this is the end of your past cycle, it also offers you a new beginning to show up as your best self in relationships. It’s important to reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself and romance since 2023 and understand how to use this energy best. Yet, no matter what lesson you’ve moved through, it’s time to put it behind you, taking only wisdom into this new period of relationships.
While the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries represent closure and a new beginning for you personally, Venus retrograde will shift into Pisces on Thursday, March 27, followed by Mercury on Saturday, March 29. While Pisces energy increases your intuitiveness and dreams, it also represents soulmate or divine love. You may find yourself reuniting with a lost love around this time, and though Venus is still retrograde, you should give this relationship a chance.
Oftentimes, two people may need to separate and grow individually before being able to come back together. Only you know if this will be a return to a past cycle or a second chance at your fate, but to do that, you will need to give it time to play out. Continue to honor all that you’ve learned and focus on becoming healthier in your romantic life, but hold space for magic, as you never know when true love will finally arrive.
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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.