Each zodiac sign’s luckiest day of the week is here from March 24 – March 30, 2025, bringing a reminder that the luck and life you envision for yourself is real — it just may not look precisely like you thought or show up when you hoped.
To be on the path of abundance and in alignment with your soul, you must surrender to the divine flow of life. This doesn’t mean just sitting back and stopping to manifest your dreams but recognizing that as long as you remain committed to your goals, the universe will always work alongside you.
In a week shrouded in both endings and beginnings, along with the final eclipse on the Aries axis, it’s crucial to let yourself be led by the universe. Trust that everything is happening for your greatest good.
Venus retrograde will shift into Pisces on Thursday, March 27, bringing a new reflection to your life and helping you gain insight through divine signs around you. Pisces is one of the most spiritual signs, as it’s the cumulation of all zodiac signs. If you are seeking a connection with a source, Pisces is the portal to help you reach it. Pisces reminds you of a greater plan, divine timing, and how a little faith can make all the difference.
As Venus shifts into this ethereal water sign, you can see beyond the veil and how you are precisely where you are meant to be in your life. Venus retrograde will move through Pisces before stationing direct on April 12, giving you time to process what this journey is meant to bring.
The back-and-forth journey between Pisces and Aries begins as the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs on Saturday, March 29. The eclipses have been occurring within the signs of Aries and Libra since 2023, bringing change to your life, especially where you have these zodiac signs in your own astrological chart. But now it’s time to wrap up this phase as another in Pisces and Virgo, which is just beginning.
This is the last eclipse on the Aries and Libra axis until 2032, making it a powerful time to bring manifestations to fruition. However, a New Moon represents a new beginning, so reflect on what is ending and beginning in your life as you lean into holding space for both.
Also occurring on Saturday, March 29, Mercury retrograde will shift into Pisces, bringing about thoughts of the past or what you need to clear from your life to have space for a new beginning. This may involve using on positive affirmations, clearing up confusion, and recognizing that life will become whatever you envision. You must only speak what you want into existence. Mercury will be retrograde in Pisces before stationing direct on April 7.
While there is a ping pong of energy this week, having you focus on what you must let go of and what you need to cultivate, a much-awaited transit occurs as Neptune shifts into Aries on Sunday, March 30. Neptune governs aspects of dreams, fantasy, hope, and illusion. Neptune in Aries intensifies your desires, helping you seize divine opportunities and passionately pursue your intentions. While you must consciously practice patience, this is a time to see your dreams become reality.
Neptune hasn’t been in Aries since the Civil War, so this is a profound change in energy that you have never experienced. Neptune will return to Pisces in late 2025 before officially moving into Aries at the start of 2026. Do you feel an urgency to take action, especially as Venus and Mercury will be retrograde until the beginning of April? Wait. Use this time to let yourself be guided, trusting that where you end up will be far better than you ever imagined.
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Luckiest day of the week for Aries: Saturday, March 29
Everything has been leading to this moment, dear Aries. Take it easy with yourself as the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries rises on Saturday, March 29. These eclipses have served to reboot and redirect not only your personal path but also your romantic one. Yet, no matter what the last few years have brought, you are finally reaching the end.
This should be a time of gratitude and feeling how this series of eclipses has changed you for the better. Journal or perform a ritual to close out this chapter while holding space for the future. This is an incredible time to work on your inner confidence and let yourself start living the life that you are meant to.
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Luckiest day of the week for Taurus: Saturday, March 29
The journey to the life you desire is a meandering one, Taurus. Don’t be so quick to dig your heels in or express resistance if a previous theme arises especially if it involves collaborating with those in your past or over previous projects. Mercury retrograde will shift into Pisces on Saturday, March 29, highlighting an important part of your life that you are being guided to return to.
This will involve deep wishes you’ve made for your life and working with others. Be sure to approach this time differently than you have in the past by being able to hold space for the impossible. You will need to leap of faith with this new endeavor; however, now is the time to gather information wait until after April 7 to make your move.
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Luckiest day of the week for Gemini: Thursday, March 27
Don’t forget what you deserve, Gemini. You have been focusing strongly on your career for the last few years. This has been due to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces moving through your house of professional dreams and intensified since the North Node, ruler of your fate, entered this water sign. As Venus retrograde moves into Pisces on Thursday, March 17, you can renegotiate your salary, benefits, or position.
This is when you must believe in yourself and what you bring. You have put in the work, which means you deserve the rewards. While you’ve been working for some time, hoping it will all pay off, now is the time to rise to the occasion and don’t hesitate to put a price tag on your worth.
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Luckiest day of the week for Cancer: Thursday, March 27
You deserve to live a life that you love, Cancer. Instead of thinking that you can’t, or that doing so relies on the help or presence of others, try to let yourself feel empowered as Venus retrograde moves into Pisces on Thursday, March 27. Venus helps you create a life you love by embracing lucky opportunities, but right now, you may need to return to your previous dreams.
Try to give yourself space for quiet reflection around this time, honoring the decisions you’ve made and those you haven’t. If you feel stuck in what you want your life to look like, begin with how you want to feel and work backward. Venus retrograde in Pisces is meant to help clarify what would define a life you love – while after April 12, one direct will be the time to take action.
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Luckiest day of the week for Leo: Sunday, March 30
Believe in yourself, dear Leo. You have always felt like you were meant for. Whether that was the spotlight, success, romance, or wealth – there’s been an intuitive feeling that you are here for a divine purpose. Yet, no matter how strong this feeling has been, you couldn’t figure out how or when this upgrade would occur. However, that will change as Neptune enters Aries on Sunday, March 30, for the first time since the Civil War era.
This is big energy. Make no mistake that it is meant to change you and your life – but you have to believe in yourself and the visions for the future that you hold. Neptune in Aries will fuel your dreams in a way you never imagined. With Aries representing your house of luck, you are moving into one of your most abundant periods; you need to keep believing in yourself and being able to make all of your dreams come true.
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Luckiest day of the week for Virgo: Saturday, March 29
Listen to what you need, sweet Virgo. The Aries and Libra eclipses have been stirring up themes around transformation and self-worth since 2023 – and now you are finally reaching a fruition point. On Saturday, March 29, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries will occur, bringing an end to a period of lessons – and initiating a period of manifesting what you dream of.
Aries energy governs over your house of change, and being a Solar Eclipse represents external changes. While this energy can help you understand what has already changed in your life and what you still desire to do, you will want to hold off beginning anything new until April. Use this time to hold space for the person you’ve become and continue to build a life that honors all you need.
: How Each Zodiac Sign’s Life Transforms After Aries Season Begins On March 20
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Luckiest day of the week for Libra: Saturday, March 29
The only way to get what you want is by asking for it, dearest Libra. On Saturday, March 29, Mercury retrograde will move into Pisces, highlighting themes of work, routines, service, and boundaries. Mercury will be retrograde in Pisces until April 7 when it stations direct, and will remain there until April 16 when it returns to Pisces.
You are moving into a crucial period in which you will have to assert yourself and ask for what you want. This area of your life may involve your career or giving ultimatums in your personal life. While that is usually considered detrimental, in this case, you must be assertive if you continue manifesting the life you want. Don’t be afraid to draw a line in the sand and decide you will no longer accept anything less than everything.
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Luckiest day of the week for Scorpio: Thursday, March 27
You deserve to be happy, Scorpio. It is as simple as that, yet you often overcomplicate matters or second guess what goes into your being happy. While this does involve you living a life aligned with your soul, it also is you being able to heal those wounds that made you think you didn’t deserve or couldn’t be truly happy.
Happiness is not an accident but the result of conscious choices, knowing what you deserve for your life. On Thursday, March 27, as Venus retrograde moves into Pisces, you will be on a journey to reflect on what happiness means.
Pisces energy rules your inner joy, creativity, as well as family and romantic matters. Venus retrograde means that you may return to a previous project, creative endeavor, or relationship to pursue what makes you happy. The most crucial aspect is to allow yourself to do this. Returning to what makes you happy doesn’t mean you’re going backward; rather, you’re finally in the place to choose yourself.
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Luckiest day of the week for Sagittarius: Sunday, March 30
Don’t let anything get in the way, Sagittarius. You are an explorer, often experimenting with what resonates and letting yourself grow unimaginably. Yet, when pursuing something genuinely important to you, you don’t always possess the same energy. This is often because you’re scared of losing something or cutting off other opportunities; however, when you deny your desires, you deny yourself.
This will become a central focus as Neptune shifts into Aries on Sunday, March 30, kickstarting a new journey in your life and letting you become unstoppable in pursuing your dreams. You need to make sure you see matters realistically, but don’t let what seems impossible stop you from trying. You can make magic in your life and will soon enjoy a life of genuine bliss, abundance, and connection.
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Luckiest day of the week for Capricorn: Saturday, March 29
Everything is going to be OK, Capricorn. Everything will be better than OK once the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs on Saturday, March 29. You’ve been experiencing eclipses across the Aries and Libra axis since 2023, and you’ve seen themes within your career and personal life arise. This has been about creating a healthier sense of balance and giving yourself what you’ve always wanted.
No longer will you have to feel like you must choose between professional success and a home you can’t wait to return to. But you have to let yourself accept this new sense of peace in your life, after all it’s what you’ve been working towards. Hold space for any struggles to end, and let yourself embrace a new beginning in your personal life that will continue to support you and your dreams far into the future.
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Luckiest day of the week for Aquarius: Thursday, March 27
Your intuition is never wrong, Aquarius. You must lean into your intuition rather than relying on logic to manifest financial abundance. Be sure you’re connecting with your inner self and the divine as Venus retrograde moves into Pisces on Thursday, March 27. Venus governs financial matters in your life, however in Pisces, you must be willing to notice divine signs and pay attention to where your intuition is directing you.
You may be called to pursue a different source of income or have a new perspective on what or who holds value in your life during this time. Take note of what arises and what inspiration you receive so that once Venus stations direct on April 12, you can take action and manifest greater financial wealth.
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Luckiest day of the week for Pisces: Sunday, March 30
Simple is often better, Pisces. There is no reason to chase dreams that don’t align with your soul. Success isn’t determined by what others say or what is important to them but rather by how you feel. Once Neptune moves into Aries on Sunday, March 30, you will feel a greater desire to increase your finances – however, you will also focus on the simple pleasures of life.
Just because you will attract financial opportunities doesn’t mean you must start living like you are. In this case, you will create a strong financial base only because you’ve truly grasped what is important to you. Money shouldn’t ever change anyone, and in your case, it won’t, as this will be a time of truly connecting with the source and understanding that the best things in life can’t be bought.
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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.