People get scared after hearing the snake's name. Due to its bite, poison spreads in people's body and they die. Many snakes are very poisonous, and some snakes are spread very slowly in the body. It is mostly settled on trees. Of these, the sandalwood tree is their favorite shelter, because its girls are cold and aromatic.
Sandalwood girls are also used in worship recitation. Apart from this, perfume, incense sticks, soap, bed, dressing-table, chair etc. are made from its girls. They are quite strong, but snakes are also found on these trees.
It is said that snakes protect sandalwood trees. Sandalwood trees are cold and snakes prefer to live in a well -known place including cold. Therefore, they especially keep their shelters on this tree during the summer season. Around sandalwood tree, rats, lizards and other small insects also live, which also form food for snakes.
Sandalwood does not smell until it is rubbed. Therefore, not everyone is able to identify it. At the same time, people are very afraid of going around this tree. Therefore, snakes also find a quiet place to live. It helps in keeping the environment balanced. This does not harm the tree. So often sandalwood trees are perfect for snakes.