Roast dinners hold a nearly sacred status in the UK, with fiery debates about whether are a must-have or how generous one should be with gravy.
When it comes to traditional roasts, veering off the beaten path can spark outrage amongst the roast connoisseurs. One bloke's peculiar penchant for enjoying his Yorkshire puds has sparked such controversy that it led his wife to muse about "divorce" after witnessing his culinary quirk.
He doesn't just slather his Yorkshire pudding with a sweet topping – he takes it to the next level by transforming it into a dessert. His bewildered wife took to to vent: "Just spent three hours making Sunday dinner and for desert my husband has put jam on a Yorkshire pudding! Divorce?".
The image the wife posted shows her hubby brandishing a Yorkshire pudding with a hearty spoonful of jam nestled in the centre. Although she was clearly nonplussed by this food faux pas, their pooch seemed quite intrigued by the prospect.
This sweet-versus-savoury twist on the Yorkshire pud has torn opinions wide open online – with some branding themselves "outraged" and decrying the notion of jam on Yorkshire pudding as downright "offensive". Yet as the original Reddit confessor found, there’s a surprisingly large contingent who are all for drizzling their Yorkshires with all manners of sweet delights, be it ice cream or golden syrup.
One user expressed their horror: "My cousins eat it, and I for one find it the most disgusting thing to ever leave a scorn on my life."
Another newly initiated to the practice said: "I didn't know this was a thing until now and honestly I could've lived happily not knowing it," echoing a sentiment of dismay.
But one individual reminisced the family tradition by sharing: "My nan would always bang on about how good Yorkshire puddings are with jam and when she was little that's how they ate them, not how we eat them now.
"Tried it for myself and she's right, they're so good with jam. "I drizzle mine in honey," another admitted, opening up about their own sweet twist to the savoury classic.
In support of unconventional toppings, someone else chimed in: "Perfectly reasonable behaviour. Try stewed apple."
Meanwhile, a nostalgic comment came through: "I used to have them with golden syrup when I was a nipper," reminiscing over childhood indulgences.
Further bolstering the dessert version of this British staple, another person wrote in enthusiastically: "Yorkshire pudding for pudding is totally normal and really good. My mum would make a massive Yorkshire pudding and everyone would have a slice with golden syrup. I want one now."