New Delhi. Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi has cornered the BJP government over the incident that happened with women in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. She said that the Prime Minister talks big about the safety of women but women across the country are still waiting for a serious effort for their safety. When will this wait end? At the same time, Rahul Gandhi has also cornered the BJP government over the incident in Madhya Pradesh.
Priyanka Gandhi wrote on social media that the incidents of a woman being gang-raped after army officers were held hostage in Madhya Pradesh and the naked body of a woman being found on a highway in Uttar Pradesh are heartbreaking. Every day 86 women are becoming victims of rape and brutality in the country. From home to outside, from road to office, women are not safe anywhere.
He further wrote that half of the country's population is not only unsafe, but due to such atrocities, crores of women lose their courage every day. The Prime Minister talks big about women's safety, but women across the country are still waiting for a serious effort for their safety. When will this wait end?