From OTP to KYC scam, the government told ways to avoid it
Herzindagi September 20, 2024 10:50 AM
In this era of increasing technology, working has become easier for human life. On the other hand, the risk of scams has increased rapidly. Not only do bank employees and customer service warn people about how to avoid fraud, but the government also keeps telling people about the ways to stay safe from it.

The risk of OTP and KYC fraud has increased a lot. In such a situation, people do not even know when they become a victim of a scam. A little carelessness of yours can harm you. Although people remain alert from their side. But despite this, they fall into the trap of hackers. Let us tell you that due to increasing technology at present, hackers are adopting different methods. In such a situation, guidelines have been issued by the Ministry of Information and Technology for users on the X platform, so that people can keep themselves safe from OTP and KYC fraud.



What to do to avoid OTP Fraud?(How to safe OTP Fraud)


How to protect OTP fraud


  • Nowadays, phone numbers are registered everywhere, from schools to banks. If you want to complete any work here, you need an OTP. In such a situation, hackers prepare a number that looks like a bank or an authorized company. After this, they call the user and ask for an OTP. If you tell the OTP code without thinking, you can fall into their trap. To avoid these things, check any unknown number thoroughly before picking it up. Try not to receive toll-free numbers.
  • Never share your credit or debit card details with any unknown person through online mode .
  • If you are getting a call from a bank, then confirm the website with the authorized company. Keep in mind that the bank does not ask you for the OTP code.
  • Do not tap on links or numbers received on WhatsApp or text messages.

How to avoid KYC fraud? (How to safe KYC fraud)


How to Safe KYC Fraud
  • Like OTP, now hackers are using KYC for scams, because now most people have become smart about OTP fraud. In such a situation, do not share your account number and PIN with an unknown person at all.
  • Keep in mind that the bank will not ask you for very personal details like OTP, PIN number and card details.


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