Benefits of Star Anise in Ayurveda: Star anise has been used in Ayurveda for years to cure many diseases. You can know in detail about the benefits of star anise here
Rahul Tiwari September 21, 2024 01:21 PM

Is it good to drink fennel everyday: Most Indians do not know that the garam masala they use for flavour and aroma in their food is actually a herb that has been used in Ayurveda for years to cure and prevent diseases.

One such spice is star anise. Its spicy and sweet taste adds a special flavor to the food, but if you consume it as a medicine, you can protect yourself from many diseases. You can know the correct way to use it and its benefits here.

Health benefits of star anise

- Consumption of star anise is very beneficial for the digestive system. It Can provide relief from stomach problems like gas, indigestion and piles. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing stomach pain.

– Star anise has strong antioxidant properties that protect the body from harmful free radicals. It also reduces the risk of cancer.

– Consuming star anise slows down the ageing process and protects the body cells.

– Star anise contains vitamin C and other nutrients that strengthen the immune system. This can help fight colds and other infections.

– Its anti-microbial properties help fight bacteria and viruses. It can help prevent infections naturally and reduce associated symptoms.

– A compound called 'astrigol' is found in star anise, which can help maintain hormonal balance. This reduces problems during periods.

How to use Chakraful

You can consume star anise in many ways. It can be added to tea, soups and curries. However, drinking star anise boiled in water every morning on an empty stomach gives quick relief.

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