Paan Mukhwas Recipe: Make Paan Mukhwas at home for guests, note the easy method
Rahul Tiwari September 24, 2024 09:21 AM

Paan Mukhwas Recipe: In many houses, when a guest comes, paan mukhwas is served after tea or water. So today I will tell you the recipe of making such paan mukhwas at home.

Ingredients for making Paan Mukhwas

  • 25 leaves of Nagarvel
  • Fennel
  • rough
  • Soli Supari
  • Sweet Fennel
  • Tutti Frutti
  • Catho
  • gulkhand

How to make Paan Mukhwas

  • Remove the thick stalk of nagravella leaves and chop them finely.
  • Then dry it in shade for 10 hours.
  • Now put five spoons of fennel, five spoons of lentils, five spoons of betel nut, two spoons of sweet fennel, 50 grams of mixed broken seeds, half a spoon of katho, half a spoon of bhal, three spoons of gulkand in a bowl. Then add dried chopped nagravella leaves.
  • – Now mix everything well.
  • Your pan mouthwash is ready.
  • Store it in an airtight container and serve it to guests when they come over.
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