Dreams reflect our unfulfilled desires, know how they are beneficial for health
News Update September 25, 2024 02:24 PM

World Dream Day 2024: Sapna means Dream in English language, whether it is seeing dreams while sleeping at night or seeing dreams with open eyes, its meaning is different. The dreams seen while sleeping at night are just our imaginary world which do not have much connection with reality. To put it in simple language, all those thoughts and desires that arose throughout the day, which could not be fulfilled even after the day is over, but at night. These thoughts running in the mind appear in the form of dreams.

Apart from this, the dreams we see with open eyes are our desires for which we work hard day and night and in many ways are more successful than the dreams we see at night. Let us know everything about the world of dreams.

When did World Dream Day start?

World Dream Day is celebrated every year on 25 September all over the world. It was started in 2012 by Ozioma Egwuonwu, an educator and transformational strategist at Columbia University. The purpose behind celebrating this day is to encourage people to focus on themselves and give wings to their dreams. Many times it happens that we dream but in many dreams we see bad scenes or it happens that sometimes something happens that we cannot even imagine, for this this day is celebrated to understand the state of dreams.

Are dreams harmful to mental health?

Dreams do not actually present the correct information or world, it only shows your imagination which is beyond reality. Regarding this, dream experts say that, if you see a person or someone you know dead in a dream, then you get scared, you think that the person concerned may die but its meaning is the opposite. If you are seeing someone's death, then its true meaning is that, soon something new is going to happen in life. Often, you start seeing the same people and things in your dreams, whom you are very close to. Apart from God and family, you see every situation in your dreams which you keep thinking or may happen in the future.

Know the types of dreams

There is only one way to see dreams, see with open or closed eyes, but there are many types of it which you are not aware of. Let's know..

1.Future oriented

In this dream, you often see future plans that you think about or have planned for your goals or career. If a person is preparing to settle abroad, then he starts seeing the same things in his dreams.

2. Day to day life oriented

Often we see dreams to our day-to-day activities. In this dream, you can include mutual differences and deep thinking about any subject, which is seen in some form or the other in the dream.

3. Spirits oriented

Some dreams are considered to be to a particular person. If you see an ancestor or God in your dream, then understand that you were remembering them in some way or the other or they are present in your mind for some other reason. To understand these, it is important for you to understand your intuition. By doing meditation, you can keep your body and mind calm.

Good for mental health

Well, everyone knows that dreams have nothing to do with reality, they only show unfulfilled desires in the form of imagination. Dreams always appear in some form or the other, in this we have to understand the intuitions happening around us.

Makes yourself feel relaxed

Dreaming here makes you feel relaxed. Apart from this, do not connect your dreams with real life. It has no relation with your life. If you are having dreams every day, then it is not a sign of any disorder.

Dreams give us the desire to move forward

Dreams often also reflect situations that are ready to move forward in life. Whether it is professional life or personal life, you have many plans to improve yourself, which appear to you repeatedly in the form of dreams.

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