How to Beat Erlang Wukong
News Update September 25, 2024 04:24 PM

Black Myth: Wukong’s elaborate battle system and breathtaking graphics have made it one of the most anticipated action role-playing games of 2024. Erlang Shen, who is sometimes called Erlang Wukong in the game, is one of the main boss battles that players will encounter. Here’s a tip on how to defeat this monster, who can be especially difficult to defeat.

Comprehending Erlang Wukong’s Movement System

Erlang Wukong uses a range of magic spells, power transformations, and martial arts skills in his combat. It’s essential to comprehend his attack patterns in order to defeat him. Here are crucial abilities and how to handle them:

  1. Sword Strikes: Erlang uses swift and powerful sword strokes that have the ability to surprise opponents. Roll backward or sideways to evade his sword swings, then quickly strike back.
  2. Laser Eye Blast: His third eye can shoot a strong laser beam. Although it causes a lot of damage, this strike is telegraphed by a long wind-up, allowing you to duck or hide.
  3. Spirit Summons: Erlang can call forth spiritual projections to overwhelm you during specific stages. Avoid these spirits as much as possible, and use area-of-effect (AoE) attacks to dispatch them quickly.
  4. Transformation Phase: Midway through the fight, Erlang transforms, growing in size and gaining more powerful abilities. During this phase, he deals heavy damage and has longer range, so maintain distance and use hit-and-run tactics.

Prior to Warfare Planning

It is imperative that you prepare your character for battle before encountering Erlang Wukong. Here are some pointers:

  1. Health and Stamina Boosts: Make sure you have supplies on hand for stamina replenishment and health potions. It takes stamina to avoid Erlang’s quick combinations.
  2. Boost Your Abilities: Put most of your effort on improving your defensive skills, which will let you parry and dodge more easily, as well as your high-damage single-target abilities, which will allow you to slowly wear down his health during his fleeting windows of vulnerability.
  3. Weapon Selection: A staff or other medium-range weapon is the best choice for this fight. It allows you to hit hard and stay far enough away to deflect most of his blows.

Erlang Wukong's combat

Once the combat begins, these tactics will assist you in defeating Erlang Wukong.

  1. Patience, and Timing: Timing and patience are key in the battle against Erlang. He’ll discipline those who play aggressively. Prior to initiating your counterattacks, wait for him to complete his attack combo. Aim for one or two hits at a time, then duck to escape backlash.
  2. Taking Advantage of Vulnerability Windows: Erlang utilises his Laser Eye Blast and then experiences a brief period of vulnerability while he heals. Now is the ideal moment to deliver significant damage. Plan your attacks to capitalise on these opportunities.
  3. Mobility is Key: Erlang Wukong is highly rapid, thus mobility is key. Stay mobile at all times to prevent getting cornered. Use dodges and double jumps to reposition yourself around the battlefield, and stay away from his spirit summons during the transformation phase.

Handling Phase Two: Transition

With more forceful strikes and a longer range during his transformation phase, Erlang Wukong becomes even more lethal. This is how to deal with it:

  1. Remain Out of Reach: Due to his longer-range strikes, attempt to avoid getting too close to him while he transforms. If at all feasible, assault from a distance and try not to linger too close for too long.
  2. Keep an eye out for AoE Tells: His transition grants you new, easily overwhelming area-of-effect skills. Be aware of visual clues, such as energy pulses on the ground, and take immediate action to avoid or flee from them.
  3. Play Defensively: It’s critical to play more defensively during this phase. Avoid, block, and make sensible use of your stamina. Attack just once you are certain that he is weak.

Last Words of Advice

  1. Recognise His Patterns: Erlang Wukong has a unique pattern and telegraph for each of his attacks. Invest some effort in learning to identify these patterns early in the fight so that you can adjust your strategy appropriately.
  2. Parrying: Parrying some of his melee blows can assist reverse the tide of combat, but it’s high risk. Make sure you are familiar with the timing before doing this.
  3. Remain Calm: The key to winning this boss encounter is perseverance. It’s safer to take one or two hits and retreat even when you spot an opportunity than to try to land a lot of damage and run the danger of a counterattack.

You may defeat Erlang Wukong in Black Myth: Wukong by using these tactics and staying patient and focused. It’s a difficult battle, but with the right preparation and tactics, you’ll come out victorious. Good luck!

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