Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan tied the knot with each other on October 25, 1991, in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony. The couple share three children - their son Aryan Khan and daughter Suhana Khan were born in 1997 and 2000. In 2013, Shah Rukh and Gauri welcomed their second child AbRam Khan, who was born through a surrogate mother.
Now, some photos are going viral on the internet in which Shah Rukh and Gauri are seen in Mecca and these photos are being spread with the claims that the superstar has had her wife convert to Islam after 33 years of their marriage. However, these images are AI-generated and completely fake.
Even before their wedding, the couple had decided that Gauri would not convert to Islam. In the first season of Koffee With Karan, she had spoken about the same and stated, "There is a balance. I respect Shah Rukh's religion, but that doesn't mean I would convert. I believe everyone should follow their own faith, and there should be mutual respect. Shah Rukh would never disrespect my religion either. During Diwali, I lead the pooja, and the family follows. On Eid, Shah Rukh leads, and we follow. It's a beautiful arrangement, and the kids embrace both traditions. In fact, they tend to lean more toward what Shah Rukh says. Both Diwali and Eid are fantastic for them."
In a 2013 interview with Outlook, Shah Rukh had shared how following both the religions at home confused their children earlier. He had said, "Sometimes they ask me what religion they belong to, and like a good Hindi movie hero, I philosophically declare, 'You are Indian first, and your religion is humanity,' or I might sing an old Hindi film song, 'Tu Hindu banega na Musalmaan banega - insaan ki aulaad hai insaan banega' set to Gangnam Style."