Now billionaires from India like Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi will not be able to run away abroad with the country's money. Now the central government has become strict regarding this. In such a situation, the government has now decided to end the entire game of those who commit crimes in the country and flee abroad. The government has taken a step which is going to give sleepless nights to all such criminals. The country's Home Minister Amit Shah has launched the country's first Bharat Poll on the lines of Interpol. This will tighten the noose on criminals who have fled abroad.
crack down on criminals
Earlier any criminal, after committing a crime in the country, used to run away abroad thinking this. But now with the help of this Bharat Poll portal, there will be great success in cracking down on such criminals. Union Home Minister Amit Shah has launched CBI's new Port Bharat Poll on 7 January. This portal will especially play an important role in catching criminals who commit crimes and flee abroad. Through this portal, CBI will now get great help in sharing information with agencies of other countries. With this, even if any criminal goes and hides in any country, he can be caught easily.
Amit Shah launched
With the help of Bharat Poll, not only CBI but also any state police will get the opportunity to directly contact Interpol to gather information about the criminal. At the launch of this portal, Amit Shah said that Bharat Pol will take international investigation one step further in any case. This will bring great success in any kind of foreign investigation. With this, criminals who have fled abroad can be easily caught. Through Bharat Pol, every investigative agency of the country and the police of every state will be able to easily connect themselves with Interpol with its help. Which will speed up the investigation of any case.
what is bharat pol
Bharat Poll has been created on the lines of Interpol. It will closely monitor criminal activities in the country. Also, this portal will help in better coordination with Interpol. With the help of this portal, it will help in speeding up the red notices issued by Interpol. With its help, there will be great success in stopping cyber crimes. Now with the help of Bharat Pol, all the investigating agencies and state police of the country will be able to easily connect with Interpol. This will also make it easier to stop crimes before they happen.