In a heartbreaking incident, a woman lost her baby in the womb when the vehicle she was being transported in got stuck in a massive traffic jam at a toll plaza in Bihar.
The tragedy unfolded on National Highway-27 at the Barhima Toll Plaza in Bihar’s Gopalganj. Garima Pandey’s family was taking her to the Sadar Hospital as she was experiencing labour pains when their vehicle got stuck in a jam.
Despite pleas for assistance from the toll plaza staff, including manager Rajiv Kumar Sharma and staffer Krishna Mohan Mishra, no help was provided. The delay caused by the gridlock resulted in the unborn child’s death before reaching the hospital.
Distraught by the incident, three Pandey filed an FIR at Sidhwalia Police Station against the toll plaza manager, staff, and other personnel. The police have registered a case of culpable homicide and initiated an investigation.
The tragic event sparked outrage among residents, who questioned the toll plaza management’s negligence and the inadequate traffic management system. The toll plaza, operational on NH-27 since last month, has been plagued by persistent traffic congestion, causing significant delays and stranding commuters for hours.