Coffee and tea are one of the most liked drinks worldwide. The early morning of many people seems incomplete without these drinks. However, health experts often recommend that drinking coffee or tea can be harmful. But do you know that according to a new research, if you drink coffee in the morning, it can help increase your age? Let's know the important things to this research.
What does research say?
The Nutrition Examination Survey conducted a study on 40,725 people between 1999 and 2018. During this time the researchers analyzed the intake of their daily diet and dairy foods. According to the study, people who drank coffee in the morning saw the possibility of increasing life span to 16%. At the same time, people who drink coffee at any other time of the day did not get this benefit.
Coffee and Heart Health
It was also found in this study that drinking morning coffee can reduce the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular problems. However, drinking coffee at some time during the day did not see any such special benefits. But it is worth noting that in this research, there was no strong claim that drinking morning coffee can completely postpone the risk of heart disease or death. There is a need to do more research on this subject.
Benefits of drinking morning coffee Energy Booster – Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning increases the energy level and you feel active throughout the day.
Focus increases – the caffeine present in coffee keeps the brain alert and helps to increase concentration.
Rich in antioxidants – Coffee contains antioxidants, which help in fighting free radicals in the body.
Helpful in weight loss – Coffee booses metabolism, which helps in weight loss.
Blood pressure and diabetes control – Blood pressure and blood sugar can be kept under control by drinking limited amounts of coffee.
Is it right to drink coffee on an empty stomach?
Morning coffee has many advantages, but drinking coffee on an empty stomach can often increase problems to acidity, blotting and digestion. Therefore, experts recommend that it is better to eat something light before drinking coffee.
If the right amount and coffee is consumed at the right time, it can be beneficial for health. According to research, morning coffee can lead to aging and it can also be beneficial for heart health. However, excessive intake of anything can be harmful, so consume coffee in a restrained amount and stay healthy!
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