Director and producer Dimple Dugar is bringing the second season of ‘Baqaitii’ promising more laughs with sharp humour that make you think of a fresh perspective while keeping the viewers entertained.
The first episode titled ‘Bura Mat Mano Holi Hai’, presents parody characters like Kavi Kishan, Angana Run-Out, Mahool Aandhi, and Akkal-less Ladav, together adding their own unique twist to current political scenarios.
In the second episode, ‘Bad Boss’, all political guests like Ramta Energy, Akkal-less Yadav, Mahool, Aandhi, and MK Spalin will be seen unleashing chaotic humour.
Next up, ‘Baqaitii Nation Wants to Know’ has Ddarnab as host and guests on panel, Mahool Aandhi, Priy-Shanka Aandhi, Angana Run-Out, and MK Spalin stirring up some fun and the house is on fire with their debate. in Kursi with Kkaran, Episode 4 features KKaran along with political heavyweights like Sweetish Kumar, Angana Run-Out, and Tej-hasvi Ladav.