Jodhpur: In a shocking incident, a students attacked the teachers after he was caught cheating in the exam. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. The incident occurred at MBM Engineering University in Rajasthan's Jodhpur on Monday (January 13). The student was caught cheating with a mobile phone, after which he attacked the exam superintendent and a teacher, causing chaos on the campus.
Details About The Incident
As per reports, the teacher identified as Amit Meena was on duty for the first-year M.Tech examinations when he caught a student identified as Mahendra Choudhary, using a mobile phone to cheat. Amit asked the student to leave the exam hall, after which Mahendra went outside and hid the phone. Shortly afterward, the exam superintendent Shravanram arrived and questioned the student about the phone and his actions.
The situation escalated when Mahendra argued with Shravanram and punched him. When Amit Meena stepped in to stop the fight, Mahendra slapped him as well. Amit’s glasses broke after he was slapped by the student. The student also pushed and abused both teachers. Another teacher recorded the incident on his mobile phone and made the video viral on social media.
Teachers Hold Protest
The teachers claimed that Mahendra continued threatening them even after being taken outside. He ignored the warnings given by several teachers and even tried to kick one of them. The incident disrupted the entire examination center.
Police Action
The police were called and Mahendra was handed over to them. He was detained on charges of disturbing the peace but was later released on bail. A complaint was reportedly filed at the Ratanada Police Station.
The police confirmed that a case has been registered against the accused and an investigation has been initiated in connection with the matter. The video of the incident is also a part of the evidence.
University Reacts
This is reportedly the first case of a student physically attacking teachers at a university in Jodhpur. While there have been instances of students being upset in the past, no one had ever physically assaulted a teacher before.
In response, University Vice-Chancellor called an emergency meeting to discuss disciplinary action against the student. The incident has left the university students and teachers shocked, with the teachers demanding strict action to ensure such behaviour is not repeated by any other student in the future.