Stones are formed as soon as they go in the stomach, think not 100 1000 times before eating! Its only cure is surgery
Rahul Tiwari March 02, 2025 04:21 AM

In the problem of gall bladder stones, its treatment is possible only through surgery. The stones in the gall bladder are caused by food and drink mistakes. Consuming some things increases the risk of gall bladder stones. In such a situation, these foods should be avoided. Let us know about those foods by which the intake causes gallstones to cause stones.

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fatty foods

Eating more fatty food increases the risk of gallstones. In this case, oily snacks, fast food, junk food and heavy cream should be avoided.

Sophisticated carbohydrate

Consumption of refined carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta can cause bile stones. Consumption of refined carbohydrates for a long time increases the risk of bile stones.

red meat

Cholesterol levels also increase due to red meat and the risk of bile stones also increases.

Chinese drinks

Consuming more sweet drinks or cold drinks can also cause stones. Consuming more sweet drinks increases the level of insulin in the body, which can cause stones.

Dairy products

Dairy products have very high fat content. In such a situation, excessive intake of dairy products can cause gallstones. Eating full fat foods like ice cream, cheese and full fat milk can cause gallstones.

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