China taking a big step towards resource mining in space First space mining robot have developed. This robot developed by China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) Microgravity conditions Also can function effectively and has the ability to navigate on pitched surfaces of asteroids.
According to CCTV News report, in this robot Special structure of six legs Is, which includes three -wheeled organs and three claw organs. This robot can do mining while maintaining stability even in hard geographical conditions.
Gravity in space is very low, which is called microgravity. This robot in this situation Keeping himself balanced Will be able to do mining work.
Usually the surface of asteroids has uneven, rocky and pitched structures. With the help of three wheels and three claw organs This robot will be able to make its grip easily and can move forward without slipping on the surface.
This robot will be equipped with state -of -the -art mining devices, which is minerals in space Facial identification and extract Has the capacity of
This discovery present in space Rare minerals and precious metals It will be possible to exploit, which will reduce the dependence on mineral resources on Earth.
On planets like Moon and Mars Permanent human settlements The supply of necessary resources for establishment will be possible.
This technique can help take China beyond the US, Russia and other countries towards space exploration.
Experts believe that this discovery in the direction of space mining A big step Is. In future Loss of cost of space missions Will come and New doors will open to expand human civilization.
This of China First space mining robot One in the field of science and technology Historical achievement Can prove. From this New possibilities will open for the discovery and use of space resources. In the coming years, this technique Moon, Mars and other planets can also prove to be helpful in settling permanent settlements.
It has six legs, including three -wheeled organs and three claw organs. It can also work effectively in microgravity.
This China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) Has been developed by.
Yes it The asteroids and other planets are capable of extracting minerals from the surface.
From this Exploitation of space resources, Space trip cost reduction And Success of Moon and Mars missions will gain help in.
At the moment, it is in the prototype phase and Will have to undergo several tests before deploying in space.