Cough And Cold Home Remedies: Having cold and cough is a common problem in the changing season. If this problem starts properly, the situation can be serious. In the event of low immunity of the body, cold, cough problems begin to increase. Some home remedies to get relief from this can prove to be effective. Let's know home remedies to remove cold and cough.
5 home remedies to remove cold and cough:
ginger tea
Ginger tea can prove to be effective to get relief from cold and cough. Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce cough and congestion. According to a study in the Journal of Ethnofarmcology, ginger has phlegm extract properties, which can help clean the mucus with air passages.
Hot water and salt gargle
Mixing a little salt in lukewarm water and gargling it provides relief in sore throat and swelling. It also helps in killing bacteria.
Tulsi has many medicinal properties. Drinking basil decoction provides relief in colds and cough and immunity is also strengthened
Turmeric milk can also be very beneficial to get relief from cold and cough. Turmeric has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking turmeric mixed with milk provides relief in cold and cough and helps to keep the body warm.
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Honey and lemon
Honey and lemon are considered to be the most effective for early relief from cold and cough. Both of them are known for their qualities. Honey contains anti-bacterial effects, which can help reduce cough. At the same time, lemon is rich in vitamin-C, which boosts immunity.